Warehouse 13 is a mixture between Indian Jones, The X-Files and The Librarian franchise. The only reason I knew about the show and began to watch it was the fact that it was linked with Eureka. I tried watching it but it didn't have the same feel as Eureka. I just couldn't get into it so I left it, halfway through the first episode but it wasn't long before I came back to it and it quickly grew on me. Once you understood what it was all about it became easier to watch and more enjoyable but I fail to see how its a spin off of Eureka besides the fact that one character from each show crosses over. Eureka deals with disasters that can be explained and solved using science whereas Warehouse 13 is more mythology and unexplained mysteries. Besides the few references to Eureka through Fargo these shows have nothing to tie them together. It's a different kind of spin off then say Angel is to Buffy or Torchwood and Sarah Jane is to Doctor Who.
The fact that these two show, Eureka and Warehouse 13, are meant to be contained within the same universe becomes confusing when actors from Eureka appear on Warehouse 13. First and foremost, Saul Rubinek who plays Artie on Warehouse 13 who was first seen as Carl on Eureka. This would be fine if the two shows weren't connected but when Fargo shows up it gets a little confusing which the show seems to jump at by also including Erica Cerra (Jo from Eureka) and Niall Matter (Zane from Eureka) again as a couple on Warehouse 13 and Joe Morton (Henry form Eureka) as a preacher on Warehouse 13. For me it was a bit confusing to have the twos in the same universe while at the same time having the actors play similar but different parts. I thought it was strange to say the least. I can understand them using Saul Rubinek, maybe they really liked him on Eureka and wanted to use him again, its not unheard or - cue Martha from Doctor Who, however its taken to a larger scale especially when they use Cerra and Matter. They mimic their characters from Eureka to Warehouse 13 and I guess I found it mostly distracting. But like I say, unless an actor, excluding Rubinek, or the character of Fargo are present in an episode of Warehouse 13 the connection between the two shows is lost on me.
Beyond the Eureka characters/actors appearances the show's own characters are well thought out and played by people I love. My two favorites who also happened to be bad guys were Jaime Murray (H.G. Wells) and Roger Rees (James MacPherson). The guest stars were also 'old friends' Captain Janeway, Odo and of course Ianto Jones.
The plot of each episode I have to admit got a little formulaic; hunt for artifact, chaos ensues and the good prevail. However, too many people die that I like and I think only H.G. Wells' death was in a sense needed although it was also very expected. I didn't like them repeatedly bringing back old foes as it gets old but all in all the villains had good motives which made them believable. I really did enjoy H.G. Wells' storyline but is also why I have such a big problem with this show being connected to Eureka. Artifacts have the power they do because of historical circumstances which breeds mythology, religion and fairy tales. That aspect I'm intrigued by so I love the fact that they made H.G. Wells a woman who let her brother take the credit.
The show does have some kick-ass women but that doesn't mean that the show won't take the advantage of sexualizing Myka. It seems as if she's always playing the femme fatale and wearing sexy dresses and latex.

A very contrasting view from her usual bookish self and the character we've come to know and like. This bothers me more than it probably should but maybe because it is such a stark contrast for her character to dress and act that the sexualized message is right in your face and hard to deny.

However, Warehouse 13 definitely improves with age and the third series was the best so far. I do have a problem with the christmas specials though as they don't work within the storyline but its mostly my own fault as I watch everything at once so I go from a cliffhanger where Myka is leaving to a christmas episode where she's back or Mrs. Fredrick and Steve have died yet she's in the christmas special following her death and he is mentioned. It throws off the continuity of the show and I would rather have them carry on the storyline into the christmas episode or not do one. For me the christmas specials weren't anything special and could have been done away with.
I've enjoyed the show and will continue to watch when it premiers this summer I just wish it wasn't involved with Eureka. The shared universe doesn't work but I guess I should be happy that their not making another bad remake of a British show. Although having said that my favorite episode is the one with Cerra and Matter. Go figure.