Sunday 15 January 2012



Miranda Hart is a funny woman. Women comedians are few and far between but that just seems to make those who make it that much more funnier. Although I hadn't seen any of Miranda Hart's stand up or listened to her radio show I had seen her on Would I Lie to You? After seeing her interviewed on Graham Norton I decided to give her self titled and semi-autobiographical comedy a chance. 

The show follows the socially awkward situations which Miranda finds herself in. Those being anywhere from constantly being mistaken for a man to trying to end a gym membership. The series has been described as old fashioned in its approach to comedy and perhaps this is why I find the comedy so refreshing. I love the way Miranda breaks the fourth wall and addresses the audience directly and the end credits of each show. What really draws me to the series is how the comedy is rooted in everyday social situations which I can relate to, for the most part. And its different from awkward comedy found in such shows as The Office which I just cannot stand. Although there is a certain level of cringing involved as Miranda digs her hole deeper and deeper it never gets to the level of The Office. The situations that Miranda gets herself into are situations which people could very well find themselves in if they let go of their inhibitions. There is a childlike nature and innocence to the comedy and Miranda's outlook on life - owning a joke shop and preferring galloping to walking as prime examples.

Miranda handles the comedy brilliantly and her supporting cast are equally amazing. It's fun to see Sally Philips who I know from Bridget Jones' Diary and Tom Ellis who I know from Doctor Who play Tilly Miranda's friend from boarding school and Gary, chef and love interest of Miranda's respectively. The banter between Miranda and Stevie played by Sarah Hadland was fun but I never did get the hilariousness of her singing to the cardboard cutout. The stand out for me is Patricia Hodge who plays Miranda's mom Penny. Penny is always trying to set Miranda up with a husband and a real job while slinging her catchphrases 'such fun' and 'what I call...' left and right. The two of them feed off each other and bring a lot of energy to the series.


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