Thursday 4 July 2013

Not Going Out Series 6

There was definitely something missing from Not Going Out this time around and that something is named Tim Vine. As much as I love Lee Mack and Katy Wix they couldn't make up for the loss of Vine and the comedy was forced. Sally Bretton doesn't have the comedic timing that the other two have and Wix's wacky Daisy isn't as effective without Tim. Without Tim, Lee has to result to talking to Daisy at the pub which just further calls attention to the fact that Lee is now in a female dominated world and it isn't working for him. This series played on the will-they-won't-they relationship between Lee and Lucy but because you know it's never going to work it's played out. I was tired of the constant push and pull I felt as an audience member watching their relationship. They would raise my hopes and then dash them just as quickly. I found myself wanting the American Kate from the first series back who had better comedic timing and was a better match for Lee.

What was really funny was the short they did for Children in Need.

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