Tuesday 5 June 2012

Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1

Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1 follows what seems to be the new norm of splitting the last book into two different movies. I'm not sure I like this new policy. It means more money I have to pay to go see the films and more time to wait in between each film which I really don't like. It also must be a little hard on the actors if they want to move onto other projects yet still being tied down to the project that has propelled them into fame. I haven't decided yet if splitting up Breaking Dawn was warranted. The film stood by itself but was probably the weakest, story wise of the previous films. Most of the film was preoccupied with the wedding. It just seemed a little dragged out. It will be interesting to see what goes into the final film to see if the two films was in fact necessary. My thoughts at the moment are that everything that happened in part one could have been condensed and if they would have just made the film longer like Lord of the Rings the films could have been finished by now. The slowness and lack of action in part one made for a very European styled filmed which doesn't mark it as a bad film but just different and perhaps unable to really fit within the franchise.

This film used montage sequences really heavily, which it has since the beginning but these montages seemed to tell more of a story than previous. The humor between Jacob and Edward was still there and even better than normal. I just love the sparring between them although I am firmly on Edward's team. What was really evident was Jacob's struggle which was well represented by the story and the performance, it makes me glad that Taylor Lautner fought for his role. Jacob's break from the pack was dramatic but I loved even more the moment he imprinted on Renesmee.

The transformation was the best part of the film and what the entire series has been leading up to so ending on that note made sense to me although I was disappointed that I still had to wait to see Lee Pace as a vampire, something I've been waiting to see since I found out he had been cast. As Bella became weaker and weaker she got really disgusting to look at. By the end she looks like a holocaust victim.The scene with Edward trying to save her was heartfelt and even though you know she's going to survive you're left wondering if she really is going to survive. The film achieved it in a way that the written word never could and the CGI was so amazing. I loved the way they represented the transformation by having the venom fix everything that had broken. Although I admit the part where her chest pops up is cringe worthy to realize that the way it had been had been totally wrong.

I felt overall the film lacked a baddie to propel the story forward. It was all interpersonal confrontations that didn't give the movie enough of a plot which is why Stephenie Meyer didn't write it as a separate book! By separating the last book it does give me more Twilight, so I'm excited about that but at the same time it just wasn't all that good to really justify the separation. That is where the problem lies.

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