Thursday 26 May 2011

Glee - Season 2

Glee finished its sophomore season and it'll be back for another but how did this season fare? Some of my friends feel let down from this season as there not being memorable episodes but I would disagree. Yes some of the episodes lacked the spark of the first season but that's normal of a show in its a second season. Glee was able to avoid the curse of the second season.

To date my favorite episode hands down is 'Grilled Cheesus.' I cried the whole way through and Kurt's rendition of 'I Want to Hold Your Hand' took my breath away.

Of course I might be extremely biased as I absolutely love Kurt. And I like what they've done with Kurt and handling the issue of discrimination against homosexuals the way they have. Giving voice to a problem rarely dealt with with any intelligence.

Now I do love Blaine and Kurt as a couple and the way it was brought about. Their first kiss was so adorable but it was hard to not have Kurt in the main story anymore so I was super glad when he came back - even though it was bad because his adoptive school lost so he switched back to go to Nationals. But I can leave that alone, that's how much I love Kurt!

I also loved Gwyneth Paltrow's guest appearances even though I think I'll always root for Will and Emma. But Holly Holliday was so wacky and spunky. Such a great character. I loved the Umbrella/Singing in the Rain number that they did as a group, one of my favorite group performances.

The original songs for the Regionals episode had so much emotion behind them and the story Rachel told through her song was very believable. It did help that before, all of her tries at song writing were horrendous. And the group number really sold what the show is all about which could be the reason for New Directions losing Nationals on the season final, much like they lost Regionals on the finale of the first season. I see a trend here of working the whole season for a competition and then losing but being okay with it. It's the same thing that happened on Hellcats, and not that there's anything wrong with that optimistic attitude but its a change from the American attitude of being first.

The finale was bogged a bit with Finn being over the moon for Rachel and Rachel over the moon for New York. Will wanting to go to Broadway but wanting to stay with the Glee club, giving up his old dreams for a new dream.There have been so many great covers and some great original songs throughout both season one and two but this seasons finale was lacking that spark of the other episodes. It was still good but it wasn't a blow-me-away-I-can't-wait-until-next-season-finale.

The slight controversy which wasn't really a big deal was the rendition of Usher's "Yeah!" which was arranged by the University of Oregon's (Go Ducks!) a capella group Divisi. To read an article about it click on the link.
It must be said that although the Glee version was good they should have been wearing something else besides the white dresses that swished.Wearing dresses and trying to dance to hip hop just doesn't work.

I only started to watch the first season of Glee in April so I had some catching up to do (not that I'm complaining). It was one of those shows that I just never tuned in for but once you actually sit down and watch it you're hooked. The concept is great and if we can't have music in actual schools at least we can have the music in schools on television. I'll be back for the next season hoping for more great covers. I didn't even really like Lady Gaga's "Born this Way" until Glee performed it!

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