Tuesday 12 July 2011

TV Heaven, Telly Hell

TV Heave, Telly Hell was an interesting insight to watch comics love and hate on television. It aired on Channel 4 from 2006-2007 and was presented by Sean Lock. The usual set of comics were on: Alan Davies, Jimmy Carr, Alan Carr and Bill Bailey but there were some people I had never heard of: Johnny Vaughan and Nick Hancock. There were some surprised on what people like to watch although I suspect some of the choices were just funny. Most of them didn't go for well known shows the exceptions being Johnny Vegas for hating Sex and the City and Ronnie Ancona for liking Friends. Alan Davies' choice for TV heaven included The littlest Groom which makes be rethink him as a person. Of course Jimmy Carr chose Flavor of Love as a slice of TV Heaven while Babestation as telly hell. Alan Carr was fun to watch but the best was Jack Dee. I think Jack Dee and Sean Lock have the same cynical humor so they work well together and their cynical outlook is perfect for the format of the show.The story about Alan Davies dressing as a matador for the British Comedy Awards was funny but having been in that situation before I know how he felt, at least I wasn't on television when it happened.

Really the highlight of the series are the reenactments of television moments. Each guest gets to reenact something that was shown on television. I remember, while watching Comic's Choice that Bill Bailey had said his reenactment with Lock led to his having to go to the hospital because Lock through the handbag at him hitting him in the face. So the back story to that made the moment funnier than what it was. Jack Dee reenacted Tinker Tailor Solider Spy which was really good.The comedy was subtle but it really worked well. The best by far was Jimmy Carr and Sean Lock reenacting Manstation - a parody of Babestation and Jimmy Carr trying unsuccessfully not to laugh. 

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