Tuesday 4 June 2013

Doctor Who Series 7 Part 2

For me it has been Moffat who has ruined Doctor Who. The only thing that is keeping me interested is to see what they do with the 50th and the return of David Tennant and Billie Piper. I miss the good old days with interesting characters, good story lines and the anticipation for the next episode. I knew it was going to hard for Moffat to move on from Amy Pond and Rory. Moffat hit something with that trio that was hard to get away from in fact he almost created a whole new show apart from Doctor Who with that trio. He's not one for goodbyes and it shows in his work. New Tardis, new opening titles, and new companion.

This has been the worse companion transition since the show was rebooted by RTD. I loved the idea behind Clara's character, especially with her being introduced in the beginning of series 7, but I felt like Moffat let not only the character but the actor, Jenna Louise-Coleman, down. After Clara died twice saving The Doctor, he meets up with her again this time for an extended time period to take us through series 7. The problem is I don't see any chemistry between Clara and The Doctor. I don't understand why she continues to travel with him. In fact in the very beginning she refuses to travel with him and who does this remind you of? That's right, Donna Noble who had a much better story line once she did want to travel with The Doctor and was also just as important. The more I think about it the more I see Clara a rehashing of Donna. Moffat continues what he had started with Amy and Rory by having Clara remain living at home and only going on certain outings with The Doctor. Unfortuntely I don't think this works for the show. With Amy and Rory we had them living and traveling with The Doctor before they stayed home which made the transition of companions at home more palatable. 

Maybe because of the last two series we were beat over the head with the overarching storyline this season felt like it was lacking in anything holding the episodes together besides the mystery of who Clara was. A lot of the stories were also focused on sacrifice which when you see it over and over gets a bit dull. For me, there was a loss of excitement.

And as the season progressed I got further and further behind because the story lines were so lackluster. I wasn't compelled to watch the next weeks episode. I didn't enjoy it. The Crimson Horror was the turning point for me (although Hide did show some potential). I love Madam Vastra, Jenny and Strax together so I think that helped but it was just too little to late. A Nightmare in Silver written by Neil Gainmen was my favorite episode of the season and I think this episode tops Gainmans last episode The Doctor's Wife. The Name of the Doctor was okay but I was just not as invested this series as I have been in the past. 

It's almost like Moffat is more interested in publicity than creating a good show and now with Matt Smith leaving who knows where the show will end up.

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