Saturday 8 June 2013

Primeval: New World (An Update)

I have finally come to the end of Primeval: New World and I'm sad its the end end since the show was cancelled. I feel the show struggled to find a voice of its own apart from the UK version but some of that could have been me longing for the UK version. The last few episodes though really helped the show start to emerge on its own, I guess it was just a little too late.

The show had some problems from the beginning because it try to be from the same universe at the UK one but with everything that happened on the season finale of the UK one its hard to imagine the Canadians are just finding out about it now. I liked the team, especially as the series progressed but there still wasn't a lot holding Evan and Dylan together and I feel like they could have pushed that relationship. I got really tired of Angelika especially when she started working for the bad guys. The show tried to have that romantic relationship for Evan but it just didn't work.

In the last few episodes there were two guest stars that I just loved. One was Colin Ferguson from Eureka and the other was Andrew Lee-Potts reprising his role as Connor Temple from the UK show. It was nice to see Ferguson and Matter back together and Ferguson was great as a crazy scientist plus it was nice to see him playing someone smart for a change.

The show ended with a two part episode which involved Connor Temple meeting up with Dylan and Evan in the distant past. The quip Connor makes about being stuck in the Cretaceous period for a year was a good inside joke. It was really too bad that it took 12/13 episodes to get this far in the series because it really began to pick up. The mystery around Mac finally surfaced and the consequences of messing with space and time rears its ugly head.

Talk about a way to end the series, running for an anomaly - did they make it? I guess we'll never know but it sure would have been nice had they renewed the show for a second season. I think with a second series it would have really taken off.

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