Friday 21 June 2013

In Time

The concept behind In Time I think really works well in the world we live in today. Time is money. I thought the premise was original and was explained well in the beginning of the film without being to talkative. The back story was conveyed through the story itself. It might have been a little talkative in the beginning of how the world worked but they pulled back from that as the film progressed and just let the action and story speak for itself.

I enjoyed Justin Timberlake and I'm a fan of his acting even thought I was squarely on the Backstreet Boys side of boy bands. In this film Timberlake was perhaps a little too ghetto. He made you aware of his acting. It didn't come natural and was a bit stilted. Amanda Seyfried was an interesting choice for the role and she seemed way too young. I don't know if was the baby doll dresses and hair but she looked like a teenager and I didn't see any real chemistry between her and Timberlake. It was a bit disappointing. Olivia Wilde did a great job for the small amount of time she was in the film. Her death was so sad (even though I kept thinking of Doctor Who when The Doctor sees Rose in the fourth series). Wilde brought true emotion to the role. She seemed to have more chemistry with Timberlake though so it was weird when he referred to her as his mom but it was believable when she said it was her 50th birthday.

Timberlake's best scene was when he's arm wrestling with the goon, something which you knew was going to happen after he explained it to Seyfried earlier in the film. It wasn't so much the arm wrestle going down the exact way he said it would but him taking the fun and shooting the others. It was a nice pop of excitement on a predictable scene. 

The standout performance for me is that of Cillian Murphy as the timekeeper. I just wanted to watch him and I'm not really a huge fan of his but this was the best role I've seen him in and he looked the most masculine. I could have watched him run in that black coat for 2 hours. I wanted him to be redeemed so bad, especially after Timberlake gave him some time and I think he was redeemed a little bit at the end. The revelation about his character coming from Dayton made sense and made you want him to succeed even more. If he wouldn't just taken the time from the car he would have been okay but no, he has to run out of time. The most anticlimactic moment of the film.

The ending of the film mirror the beginning scene between Timberlake and Wilde and even though I didn't feel the chemistry between Timberlake and Seyfried I was still on the edge of my seat wondering if he could save her when he couldn't save his mother. It almost makes up from Murphy's death, almost.

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